How To Transform Your Outdoor Pool Into A Magazine Worthy Showpiece

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If you have a great in-ground pool, and have always wanted to have a pool that was something that could be featured in a magazine, but you think that your current pool is a bit blah, then you should look into making some improvements. There are quite a few tings that you can do that add to your pools visual look and make it more attractive. You don't have to completely revamp the pool and do major construction. What you can do is have some additions added to your pool and pool area. Here are a few of the cool ideas that you can have contractors come in and install.

Install Ornamental Iron Fencing

One of the best ways to make your in-ground pool look like something out of a magazine editorial is to have fence contractors cone in and install an ornamental iron fencing around the perimeter of the pool. This way you get both the beautiful look of a wrought iron fence coupled with the protective element that a fence provides. This is especially helpful in areas where you are legally required to have a fence up. In some cases people resort to installing a cheap and unattractive looking fence, perhaps one made from plastics of aluminum. These are certainly not going to make your place look fancy and impressive. So, reach out to a fence contractor, like Canyon  Fence Co, and make sure that you discuss with them the different beautiful and sturdy installations that you an add to your pool. The ornamental iron look of your fence will greatly improve the overall look of the entire property.

Create Beautiful Visuals With A Pool Fountain

One of the most visually impressive things you can add to your pool is a fountain. You can have these installed with a pump and battery and center them either in the middle of your pool on a floating on an island, or you could have it installed on the sides of your pool. This might be the easier one to install since you don't have to install a floating island or install a waterproof battery system.

Lighting Right Out Of A Magazine

Finally, consider adding fun and cool underwater lighting to your pool. You can choose lights that chance color and can make the pool highlighted with different colors such as blue, greens, and other colors. This is especially beautiful at night and would be great for when you entertain people outdoors at night.
